Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Family Traditions with Love


  • What family traditions do you practice especially in Fall & Winter?  
  • Have you started new ones as you have grown your family?
  • What new ways are you sharing quality time with family this year?   

We started what became a tradition about 20 years ago.  Valentines Day dinner was planned ahead. We made a turkey from scratch with all the trimmings.  The dinner provided easy meals later and one in the summer on the deck with leftover turkey and stuffing with a glass of wine.  We did not know how much we would like to do this until we tried it.  no long wait and restaurant for not great food anymore for us.  


 Free the People ROC is the group in Rochester, NY.  


I believe in supporting my local community. As an ally I know we need to listen and show up to support local groups. Stand up and join local events, organizations and / or protests and learn about wheat is going on in your city. 

Buy Local & Shop Small

Why shop small?  For every $100 you spend at a local business,  $68 stay in the community

My Shop:  My Shop

Facebook:  PandaWire Facebook
Twitter:  Panda Wear Gems  
Instagram: Instagram
This stunning statement necklace is made with a fund shell from North Carolina.  Always happy to work with found objects.

 picture by PIxel Wave

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Vote Today 2022

Thank you Sarah Epperson for your wonderful post.  Text and graphic © Sarah Epperson

🗳Nov 8 is the LAST DAY to #Vote! Questions/problems #Voting? ☎️@866OURVOTE + Report #VoterSuppression & #VoterIntimidation 
“The #GOP spent *½ a century* working to overturn Roe.
Now, their sights are set on a national #Abortion ban, ending #MarriageEquality, denying contraception access, & revoking #TransRights.
When they tell you what their goals are, believe them.” - @WomensMarch
In many states, IT’S TOO LATE TO MAIL IN BALLOTS! Drop them off or #Vote IN PERSON. 25% of rejected ballots were rejected for being too late in 2016 & 2018 - Drop off your #ballot at a drop box, polling place, or election office near you ASAP! & make sure your vote is counted!
This election could be TIGHT & we need EVERY LAST VOTE to be counted. Republicans are currently trying to get as many ballots thrown away as possible, do not let this be yours! #VoterSuppression
You can track your #VoteByMail / #AbsenteeBallot in 45 states + DC
If you mailed your ballot or dropped it off, you can check to make sure your ballot was counted & not rejected. Ballot tracking will tell you when your ballot is: Mailed, Received & Counted. * If your ballot has been flagged for rejection, it is important to call your local county election officials immediately to try & fix (‘cure’) any problems.
💻Get more info: VoteSaveAmerica .com
English: 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
Spanish: 888-VE-Y-VOTA  (888-839-8682)
Arabic: 844-YALLA-US (844-925-5287)
Asian Languages: 888-API-VOTE (888-274-8683)
🤟ASL Video: 301-818-VOTE (301-818-8683)
♿️Voters w/ disabilities: text “ACCESS” to 43367

#KnowYourRights Voting Rights Guide from @ACLU_Nationwide :

My input today:  

Yes I believe we all need to stand up and VOTE.   
We voted early in my house because NY allows this.  
please help us save democracy today.  Please help body autonomy today.  

Monday, October 31, 2022

Domestic Violence Awareness Month


October is domestic violence awareness month.  Saw this installation at the Pubic Market in ROC and was excited.  Education is key for our community.  Willow is here to help anyone in need.  

Willow donate

This is one of a few charities in my city I support.  The Break the Silence megaphone is in this public space where many of us go every week.  

May this help to Amplify Hope in Rochester, NY.

Black Lives Matter

Free the People ROC is the group in Rochester, NY.  

We need to support our brothers and sisters.


Shop Small 

support local business in your community.

My shop:  Panda Wear Website
Facebook:  PandaWire Facebook
Twitter:  Panda Wear Gems  
Instagram: Instagram


Why shop small?  For every $100 you spend at a local business,  $68 stay in the community.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Homemade Pies in my Kitchen

Fall is here so time to enjoy the fall fruits as pies in my kitchen.  homemade is best.  Apple pie is the best with my choice of locally grown apples.  What is your favorite to bake with?  

As for the pumpkins we grew this year, the vine did not fully ripen them so they went back where they started, compost pile.  

My state & city are so beautiful. this is from one of the four Fredrick Law Olmstead parks in Rochester, Genesee Valley Park. It was a self care day and we enjoyed the quiet tranquil park.  The water is the Genesee river.  As we listened to nature on this bridge, two kayakers paddled down the river.  

Black Lives Matter

Free the People ROC is the group in Rochester, NY.  

We need to support our brothers and sisters.


Buy Local from the Maker

My shop:  Panda Wear Website
Facebook:  PandaWire Facebook
Twitter:  Panda Wear Gems  
Instagram: Instagram


Why shop small?  For every $100 you spend at a local business,  $68 stay in the community.

Monday, October 17, 2022

October Beauty


Final harvest from the two large pots on my deck from this summer.  could not go completely without tomatoes.  These will ripen over the next two weeks and be amazing in salads.  

Currently enjoying the mustard & kale from the fall plantings in the vegetable garden.  We love fall veggies as much as spring veggies.  

I will be trying to make fresh pumpkin for pie this year from our compost pile volunteer.  Happy to share pics of this project next week.  Fingers crossed it works well.


It is that time of year.  Verify you are registered to vote and bring a friend.  Make plans and be sure to know where your candidates stand on the issues you care about.  Mean things I look for: BLM, ERA, Reproductive rights, abortion rights, women rights.

Use this League of Women voters sight to look up your ballot and where your candidates stand.  


Black Lives Matter


We need to change the way we treat others in this country  I invite everyone to be kind and support our sisters and brothers.   We need to teach history accurately all year.  

Free the People ROC is the group in Rochester, NY.  


Buy Local and Shop Small

My Shop:  My Shop

Facebook:  PandaWire Facebook
Twitter:  Panda Wear Gems  
Instagram: Instagram


Why shop small?  For every $100 you spend at a local business,  $68 stay in the community

Monday, October 3, 2022

October and Fall is here

 Hello Fall. What has kept me occupied recently?
  • Closed the pool
  • Made Sauce from scratch twice, canned once
  • Fall yard clean up
  • Travel to see family
  • baking 
  • Looking at events for rest 2022
  • Volunteer work. NOW local board member
As you know, Huge Apple in fall person here. 
The volunteers from the compost pile.  For a number of years we had told our neighbors we take old pumpkins.  Annually we add 6-8 neighbor pumpkins to our compost pile.  This years they germinated into a vine.  

Black Lives Matter

Free the People ROC is the group in Rochester, NY.  
We need to support our brothers and sisters.   
 #BLM #blacklivesmattter 

Shop Small

My Shop:  My Shop

Facebook:  PandaWire Facebook
Twitter:  Panda Wear Gems  
Instagram: Instagram

This stunning piece is beach glass from ROC combined with sterling silver to create this necklace.  Have a vacation find you want to wear?  Happy to help you create the wearable art.

Friday, September 2, 2022

August Ends with Heat in my Garden


 Normally would be counting the days until Sauce Day #2 for 2022.  Not this year. We took the year off to treat a problem in our garden.  The treatment is almost done so we can utilize the area for fall crops. this stunning pic is 2021 tomatoes right before SAUCE DAY 2021! 

Happy to have the next few weeks to enjoy the end of summer.  Traveling this Labor day weekend?  I am headed to visit family.  Nothing better than time with family.  Stay safe and test before you travel. 

Black Lives Matter

Free the People ROC is the group in Rochester, NY. 
We need to support our brothers and sisters.  
 #BLM #blacklivesmattter

Shop Small

My Shop:  My Shop

Facebook:  PandaWire Facebook
Twitter:  Panda Wear Gems  
Instagram: Instagram
This stunning Morrisonite I cut and wrapped in Rose & Yellow 14 ktgf wire.  It is the center piece of a necklace. 
Why shop small For every $100 you spend at a local business,  $68 stay in the community

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

How to manage your cash flow

Good morning entrepreneurs and small business owners. You know your profit margin, I am certain.  Business 101 know how much money you are making because you know what it costs every day or month to run your business.

 Problems I help my clients solve: 

  • cash flow management either monthly or quarterly
  • finding time to ... sleep, date night, take a day off
  • budget for the growth of their business
  • reconcile bank accounts
  • planning with their CPA(how often)


This is a great question to ponder about and reflect as to why we are in business.  Is it a dream or reality? 

think back to why you started your business.  what benefits do you need?  how is it better that working for someone else?  

Yes I am proficient in Quickbooks and Excel.  Please DM me.  Happy to help.

If you do not want to ask what went wrong in 2023, call me.  

My email:



Free the People ROC is the group in Rochester, NY. 
We need to support our brothers and sisters.  

 #BLM #blacklivesmattter

Monday, August 15, 2022

Support Local Business

How many friends do you know with a small business or a side gig? How do you help them grow? Do you want them to succeed? 

  • Stand up & recommend them
  • share their social media posts 
  • write a recommendation

We all remember 2020.  We were reminded frequently to shop small & buy local. Small business need your support always.  In New York state we lost 25% of our small business during the pandemic.  That is 1 out of every 4 business closed their doors forever. 


Buy Local & Shop Small

My Shop:  My Shop

Facebook:  PandaWire Facebook
Twitter:  Panda Wear Gems  
Instagram: Instagram
This stunning sterling silver piece is shown with a gemstone I personally cut.  
Why shop small?  For every $100 you spend at a local business,  $68 stay in the community


 Free the People ROC is the group in Rochester, NY. 


I believe in supporting my local community. As an ally I know we need to listen and show up to support local groups. Stand up and join local events or protests and learn about wheat is going on in your city.



Artists Feature

Monthly, I will feature a small women owned business.  I have been selling my work online and have a great TEAM of people whom I consider my second family. Here you will learn about the business and the creator of the idea.  This will focus on female members of my art family. 


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Success and Celebration

 Happy to have rain for my vegetables this past week.  The yellow beans are doing great as this shows. The snow peas are about finished  & there is a succession plans for them as well as other parts of the garden.  Lettuce and greens takes over when this spring crop finishes.  

It felt time to show off my mascot again.  He is a rock hound and model for my small work.  he travels to shows and enjoys his time outside.  His name is Paddy.  

this is one success for the season, happy beans because of meticulous water management.  We use soaker hoses for our gardens. 

Black Lives Matter

We need to change the way we treat others in this country  I invite everyone to be kind and support our sisters and brothers.   We need to teach history accurately all year. #blm #loveislove #pride

Free the People ROC is the group in Rochester, NY. 

One of my copper creations to support Black Lives Matter. 


Buy Local & Shop Small

My Shop:  My Shop

Facebook:  PandaWire Facebook
Twitter:  Panda Wear Gems  
Instagram: Instagram

Need this necklace?  buy here

Why shop small?  For every $100 you spend at a local business,  $68 stay in the community

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

July Fruit Season in here

 his is most of  one of the 4 quarts of raspberries so far this month.  Yes this month.  Happy chef here will have homemade raspberry jam from my own garden?!


The warm summer of July has arrived and the heat with it.  We almost set a record low last week at 49 and it was 90 yesterday. Our gardens are doing well with the soaker hoses to keep them moist. 
There is a partial drought with us two inches below normal at this point. 

Hope we have some good rain in the near future so we do not have to use the faucet so much.


We finished the pond remodel.  Relined and moved some of the water and landscape plants. As you see the waterfall is larger  and has a nice stone wall on the sides.  It was a big  & labor intensive project.  

Happy to be finished and able to enjoy the sounds of it ans the backyard habitat it creates.  We have seen up to four birds in the bird bath at the top of it at one time. 

The first yellow beans of the season were harvested Sunday.  Happy dance for me one of my favorite veggies. 


Free the People ROC is the group in Rochester, NY. 

I believe in supporting my local community hence my choice of The Mocha Center for the Pride donation.  As an ally I know we need to listen and show up to support local groups.



Buy Local & Shop Small

My Shop:  My Shop

Facebook:  PandaWire Facebook
Twitter:  Panda Wear Gems  
Instagram: Instagram

These are part of the Copper Geometry line. 
Why shop small?  For every $100 you spend at a local business,  $68 stay in the community