As an avid gardener, I did not know very much when I started my own gardens. 20 years ago. We learned from my Grandmother as well my other half's parents. To Further our knowledge we used tv and books. Below are two of our favorites.
My favorite book is by Barbara Damrosch Garden Primer.Garden Primer It is where I found the idea for a three year crop rotation which I use and helps keep my plants thriving. Even in years of extreme drought, I have an edible harvest. We also use companion plants and soaker hoses to water. it is a great way to reduce the water wasted by sprinklers in a garden. Many this year and starting plants because they have extra time & are home to see them blossom & grow. Good luck with your new garden & remember to water daily for new plants and not in the hottest part of the day.
Our favorite show was The Victory Garden with Roger Swain, hom spoke about the origin of the term Victory Garden Wiki defines. He described his memories and why he loves gardening and digging in the dirt.Trial & error as well as our lessons learned from others mistakes helped teach us to be better gardeners. Failure is Impossible on one of my favorite quotes from Susan B Anthony. I believe when we work toward a goal in is a journey; whether long or short enjoy your journey.
Roger Swain Quote I love.
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