Monday, March 20, 2023

Spring 2023

So Excited - SPRING arrives today! Monday afternoon 3/ 5:24pm  As a gardener, it is the best time of year when everything wakes up.  Today is the Spring Equinox 2023! This is fantastic.  It is off to a wonderful beginning.   my seedlings are doing great and my peas will be planted soon.  

These beach glass rings are from Lake Ontario which is less than a half hour drive form my house.  I enjoy looking of the glass and seeing what the glass becomes.  .  hat better way to think about the new season tan to remember outside warmth of walking on the beach barefoot.  

Black Lives Matter

Free the People ROC is the group in Rochester, NY.  FB page  Free the People ROC

These are events this week.

March 23 is three years since Rochester police murdered Daniel Prude. I invite everyone to stand up, listen to others, be kind and support our sisters and brothers.  



Buy Local from the Maker

I have a Pop up Shop 3/25 10am -2pm   900 Jefferson Rd Rochester, NY

location in picture. please share on social when you see my flyer.

My Store:  My Shop

Facebook:  PandaWire Facebook
Twitter:  Panda Wear Gems  
Instagram: Instagram

Why shop small?  For every $100 you spend at a local business,  $68 stay in the community

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