Thursday, August 26, 2021

Women's Equality Day - why it resonates


 Women's Equality Day - why it resonates with me.


this is a part of a group I traveled to DC with January 2017 for the Womens March on Washington.   It was incredibly powerful to be there.  As a board member on my local NOW(National Organization for Women) we have been working towards ratification of the ERA for years. 


ERA Ratification Removing the Timeline for ERA Ratification 


stand with us to demand this be done NOW!  


Buy Local from the Maker

My shop:  Panda Wear Website

Facebook:  PandaWire Facebook
Twitter:  Panda Wear Gems  
Instagram: Instagram

Why shop small?  For every $100 you spend at a local business,  $68 stay in the community.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Welcome August

Waiting for the slicing tomatoes & bell peppers to ripen.  There are so many green tomatoes.  Something ate several pepper plants this summer., something = garden visitor.  I planted more so we have a good harvest.  Peppers are great fresh and freeze well for cooking with later.  

Found this Black Swallowtail while visiting Brookside Garden in Maryland last month.  Happy to be back in the area dog sitting this week.  Should have pics of the puppy next week.    

Black Lives Matter

Free the People ROC is the group in Rochester, NY.  FB page  Free the People ROC

I invite everyone to stand up, listen to others, be kind and be ready to support our sisters and brothers.  



Buy local from the Maker

My shop:  Panda Wear Website
Facebook:  PandaWire Facebook
Twitter:  Panda Wear Gems  
Instagram: Instagram

Why shop small?  For every $100 you spend at a local business,  $68 stay in the community!