Monday, July 13, 2020

2020 Events Artisit's Life

Any other year, this would be a time of year when I would share the success of the season so far.  This year was off to a fantastic start with my goal of participating in more events then ever before in a calendar year. 

 My success ratio was the best in several years and I had many new projects / designs in process.  the Winter was working well to develop the ideas & prototypes.  

Thanks to corona virus no live events / shows from March forward for the rest of 2020.  The beginning of this I spent two months unable to create.  60 days unable to do what I love.  that was HARD!

On the upside:  have a roof over my head,  food to eat, & great friends to talk to during this pandemic.   

I wish I could say I understand how the African Americans feel.  It is time we listen. Let our sisters & brothers take the  lead & show us what we can do to help them. 

I know we can fix this and become one nation again.  It will be a process and it will take time.  Be patient and show your LOVE of others now more than ever. 


How do you help you ask?  >>>>>>>>>>>>
this is a problem we had had for generations and we need fix it NOW!

             Buy Local from the Maker 

My shop:  Panda Wear Website
Facebook:  PandaWire Facebook
Twitter:  Panda Wear Gems  
Instagram: Instagram

For every $100 you spend at a local business,  $68 stay in the community.  

We are in this together. Wear a Mask, Stay home, Stay safe, Flatten the curve, Fasts Matter.   

Please join on on the 100 anniversary of the 19th amendment. Seneca Falls Revisited conference 2020.   We are doing a virtual party in 2020   It is an amazing collection of of topics & speakers. 
Register here 2020 Conference

Join your sisters and Celebrate this Centennial !

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