Monday, April 25, 2022

As April Ends, Beauty I find

 As April ends, I find beauty in the garden to share with you.  Romaine lettuce and Kale transplanted into the veggie garden.  Hyacinth in the front yard sharing their blooms and the fantastic fragrance they have.  

It is the season for rebirth and renewal because it is spring.  We are dealing with the pandemic still so be safe, and mask up.  my county is one of the hot spots in the state.  Could be because of many things:  the 9 colleges we have,  the removal of the mask mandate in the schools recently, covid fatigue.

Mask up, stay safe, take care of your friends & family. #maskup #staysafe #vax #besmart #test  

Black Lives Matter


We need to change the way we treat others in this country  I invite everyone to be kind and support our sisters and brothers.   We need to teach history accurately all year. 

Free the People ROC is the group in Rochester, NY. 


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Twitter:  Panda Wear Gems  
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These are part of the Copper Geometry line showing the beauty of the raku with copper. Need a gift for Mom?
Why shop small?  For every $100 you spend at a local business,  $68 stay in the community

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