Monday, March 15, 2021

Welcome Spring 2021

Happy dance here SPRING arrives this week.  As a gardener, it is the best time of your wheneverything wakes up.  Five more days and it is SPRING 2021! This is will be fantastic.  It is off to a wonderful beginning.  

We took a walk last week before all the snow melted on a nice 50 degree day and enjoyed the robins at Genesee Valley park.  One perk of being an entrepreneur is I set my schedule. When I need a walk in the afternoon, I take a break and walk.  I love being a woman small business owner.  

Afternoon garden

My garden layout was finished a few weeks back and the seeding are looking great.  Tomatoes, peppers, kale, collard, mustard are all sprouted.  I planted some annual flowers that should sprout by next week.  Harris seed was perfect for the few seeds I need to resupply this year.  My favorite thing is they are in my area and their seeds do well in my backyard garden.  I shop local whenever I can.  

This is a pic from last year in my garden.  these bulbs are a regular beautiful blend every spring.  when my crocus finish, I see these.  there are a few crocus peaking out now that all the February snow has finally melted.  

We have learned the value of small business during this pandemic.  It has been a full year.  We have learned so much.  The list of what is important has changed for many people.  I believe we are closer as families because of what we have been though. 

This is "where is my head" snowman from Genesee Valley park last week.  so nice to be outside enjoying the fresh air an a nice dry day.   

Black Lives Matter

 For Education  please Search 

 I Can't Breathe
Black Lives Matte
and read from fact checked news sources.  As a supporter I am speaking up.  Please join me. 

It is time we listen. Let our Sisters  take the  lead & show us what we need do to help them.. I know we can fix this and become one nation again.   It will be a process and it will take time.  Be patient and show your love of others now more then ever.  

Buy Local from the Maker

My shop:  Panda Wear Website
Facebook:  PandaWire Facebook
Twitter:  Panda Wear Gems  
Instagram: Instagram


Why shop Local (small)?  

For every $100 you spend at a local business,  $68 stay in the community!  Yes Over 2/3 stays in your local community!Free the People ROC is the group in my area.

 FB page  Free the People ROC

I took this great pic one week ago downtown in ROC. I love my city, Rochester, NY.

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